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Garbage Trucks
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Concrete Mixer Trucks
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Concrete mixer Model WL5250GJB


Engine: 336hp
Transmission: PT-11509C
Tires: 12:00-20
Axle Space: 3600+1350mm
With air condition
Mixer Tank Volume (m3): 14.9
Valid Mixing Volume (m3): 8
Barrel Wall Thickness : 5mm
Mixing Blades thicknessl: 4mm
Loading Speed (m3/min): =  3.2
Discharging Speed(m3/min): =  2.2
Rest rate (%): =  1
Mixer Speed (rpm): 0-16
Mixer Tank angle: 13°
Driving system
(hydraulically controlled) Speed Reduction System: TOPP68/TOP (made in Italy)
Pump: 5423-518/Eaton (made in USA)
Motor Model: 5433-138/Eaton (made in USA)

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